Round one - McPuddu v McDonalds

Puddu, a Sardinian snack shack restaurant owner has been threatened with legal action by McDonald’s for daring to use ‘Mc’ before his name on his shop front. They are concerned customers may mistake his tiny outlet with the giant fast food chain. Surely this is megalamania at its worst.

Puddu makes a speciallity pasta parcel stuffed with local sheep’s cheese, mint and potatoes, which is a far cry from a McDonalds Hamburger.
Coming to his rescue, as there is a principle here, are Italian food campainers and politicians who have taken up the gauntlet to challenge McDonalds. Carlo Petrini, president of the Italian Slow Food group said, it was heading for defeat. "This is stupid arrogance," he said, "I am sure that in court, McDonald's would lose this."
With no means of fighting the order, Puddu has nailed a plank over the "Mc", adding "censored" above the shop door.
Sardinia's regional agricultural assessor, Andrea Prato, has guaranteed Puddu the regional government's financial backing in the "David and Goliath" fight against "one of the greatest corruptors of the palate in the world". Puddu's pasta parcels, known as culurgiones, he said, "have been around a lot longer than the cheeseburger"
May the best man win - my money’s on Puddu!!
Source:  The Guardian

Yvonne Ainsworth - editored pic

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