Are GM Crops a Saviour or just a Government publicity stunt?

Is it a coincidence that the FSA’s [UK's Food Standards Agency] report on their findings that Organic food has no nutritious benefit over non- organic food, comes at the same time as the government announces the alarming food shortages we are going to suffer in the foreseeable future?

Is it a coincidence that this also coincides with DEFRA [UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs] and the FSA’s work with the Cabinet Office and DFID [UK's Department for International Development] on a cunning little plan for insinuating GM into the food supply, for promoting GM crops and foods as "being inevitable", and for dismissing public opposition to GM?

I would suggest that it was a well orchestrated initiative from the Government’s spin machine over the past month or so - this is the very time when the Great British Public is on holiday and snoozing in the sun. It's also the "silly season" when news is thin and when maximum coverage is guaranteed from the British media.

My advice would be, “Don’t buy into it” there is nothing to suggest that GM crops are any different now to when they first condemned in 1998.

GMWatch is a new myth-busting website dedicated to exposing the myths and lies that abound within the biotechnology industry.


Yvonne Ainsworth - editored pic

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