Organic Buffet

More and more people are attracted to the idea of having a green/ ethical caterer supplying good food at their wedding at a reasonable price.
In 2009 'Organic Buffet'  received the Gold Catering Mark from the Soil Association Food For Life Programme. Organic buffet uses local meat, local flour for their bread, pastries and cakes, local vegetables (when in season), local trout and local cheese.

 Founder and ‘hands on’ operator Vincent Charles was born and bred in Lyon, one of France’s food capitals.

Vincent grew up eating and appreciating the value of traditional authentic fare.

As well as the excellent buffets, they can provide crockery, cutlery, glasses, linen, waiting staff, tables, chairs, marquees, bands, drinks, theme parties decorations...  
Vincent provides free quotes, so simply email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with your wedding details;  date, venue, approximate number of guests and any special requirements.