Put a sock on it.

 Is cell phone radiation more dangerous than smoking? 

Blocsock has been designed to act as a barrier between you and the radiation your cell phone emits during a phone call. 
The blocsock is the brainchild of Glyn Hughes whose daughter became sick as a result of exposure to microwaves from the phone mast on her school. He has gone on to research what he considers is a threat to health from radiation emitted from mobile phone handsets. These are his findings.
Frankly it would be great if there was absolutely no danger from mobile phones. I would like to believe that, and I suspect so would you. Mobile phone operators would definitely like us all to believe that mobiles are safe; however, I don’t believe they are. Now before you click onto the next article or pick up another magazine, shrugging “Oh no, another paranoid health and safety freak!” please take a minute to hear my story? I’m not what you may think; in fact I used to work in the wireless voice and data industry. However, in 2004 my daughter became sick as a result of exposure to microwaves from the phone masts on top of her school, and I was catapulted into the fight to raise awareness of, and help people deal with, the dangers of the microwave radiation used to transmit mobile phone calls.
Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but the mobile phone operators would seem to be spending a rather large part of their even larger profits trying to convince you and me that phones are safe, by disproving the dangers with flawed science instead of owning up as the cause of the biggest health scandal the world has yet to recognise.
In May 2010, Geoff Lean of the Telegraph wrote; “This week, the scientists who had completed one of the world’s biggest and most important health studies effectively admitted that it had wasted everyone’s time.”
They didn’t put it quite like that, of course. The £16.5 million pound study took place over 10 years and involved comparing the health of many thousands of mobile phone users and non-users in 13 countries. Published in July 2010, the world’s biggest study into whether mobile phones cause brain cancer admitted that its main finding was “implausible” and that its conclusions were undermined by “bias” and “error”.
Not that this stopped the mobile phone industry and establishment scientists suggesting that the study has exonerated handsets. It does no such thing: indeed, as The Daily Telegraph exclusively predicted back in October 2009, it produces evidence that suggests that they pose a very serious threat indeed.
In sober truth, it is extraordinary that this evidence emerged, for the way the study, partly financed by the industry, was set up appears to militate against it. It covered only those aged between 30 and 59, omitting children, teenagers and young adults, who are most vulnerable to the radiation. In fact, one study shows that people who start using a mobile before the age of 20 increase their chances of getting the disease fivefold. The study also chose a ludicrously wide definition of “regular mobile phone users”, including those who only made one call a week over six months – a negligible exposure that could not possibly cause harm.
Worst of all, it looked at people who had used their handsets for far too short a time for cancers to have developed. Tumours almost always take at least a decade – usually several – to emerge after the initial damage has been done. But on average, the people examined for the research had only been using mobiles for just over two years, far too little time for even the most virulent cancer-causing agents to show an effect. As a commentary accompanying the publication of the paper, the International Journal of Epidemiology stated: “None of today’s established carcinogens, including tobacco, could have been firmly identified as increasing risk in the first 10 years or so since first exposure.”
I think we should be aware that it is only during the last ten years as the cost of mobile calls has dramatically reduced that the general public, including children, have become heavy users. If the mobile phone operators really wanted us to know the truth they could have saved themselves the majority of the many contributions they have made to biased studies around the world with a simple study into the many deceased business men and women that were heavy users of mobiles during the last two decades who have died as a result of brain tumours. Why has nobody done this? Well it’s simple; the conclusion would be an undeniable greatly increased risk of brain tumours from mobile phone use and there is no money in that, anymore than there was in admitting cigarettes cause lung cancer.
Now am I trying to sell you something? 
Well yes, my product the Blocsockis the only real answer to this potentially life threatening situation. If you want to hold a mobile phone to your head for short periods of time with any degree of safety then in my opinion you should place something between the phone and your brain that offers better protection than your skull from mobile phone emissions. I don’t know of any other product that is actually proven to do this. How so, well the mobile phone manufacturers themselves governed by international Law have actually graded their products’ safety by passing a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR test) that grades how dangerous different models might be dependent on how much they heat your brain, we got RFI Global one of the main SAR testing houses for mobile phone manufacturers to test a Blackberry (mine actually) both in and outside a Blocsock and it reduced the Blackberry’s SAR by 96% when placed inside the pouch. So it’s your choice now you can continue to ignore the growing evidence or take a precautionary attitude and put a sock on it.