Why are our bumblebees in decline?  

As early as 1959 it was suggested that some British bumblebee populations were in decline. Since 1985, Paul Williams, research entomologist at the National History Museum, has been working on a project to identify what makes some species more susceptible to decline.  Evidence shows that the changing environment may have contributed to the impoverishment of the bumblebee fauna in some areas. Loss of open habitats and especially certain food plants seem to be the single most important factor affecting the dwindling bumblebee population.  Your donations could help contribute to a bumblebee barcoding project enabling Museum scientists to identify bumblebees worldwide. 

 Larger donations could help fund a technician to catalogue bumblebee names and link information about many species.

Why are our bumblebees in decline? You can make a donation here to try and answer questions like this and respond to other crises in the natural world.
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