Earth Conscious Parents can relax with guilt-free disposable nappies.

Most parents are aware of the impact of disposable nappies on land fill sites. Earth-friendly gNappies is the only 100 per cent certified biodegradable hybrid nappy. The system comprises washable cotton nappy pants and either 100 per cent biodegradable gRefills or washable gCloth.  gRefills decompose in 50 – 100 days in a home compost and can also be disposed of in domestic waste.  A plastic disposable nappy takes up to 500 years to decompose in landfill.

Kim Graham-Nye co-founded the company with her husband Jason, and was just named one Fortune Magazine Top 10 Women Entrepreneurs.  They created gDiapers after discovering shocking statistics about disposable nappies and their impact on the environment; disposable nappies account for a third of landfill although only five per cent of the population use them.  Around 11 million enter UK landfill every day.

Kim added: “Parents these days are much more eco-aware and willing to consider ways in which they can reduce their carbon footprint.  Those who are interested in an eco-friendly nappy may be interested in the gNappies system which offers more flexibility with the cloth and biodegradable options.  Parents can choose one or the other or a combination of the two.”

gNappies are available in all colours, patterns and sizes, including gBundles to get parents started, at and the gNappies website


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