An Acre of Rainforest for Florence Cameron

One of the first gifts to be delivered to Florence Cameron is an acre of rainforest from the Prime Minister’s poverty Czar, Frank Field MP.

The gift was delivered to the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro on behalf of the MP by Cool Earth, charity director, Matthew Owen.

Frank Field founded the rainforest charity, which protects rainforest, 3 years ago. By coincidence the charity is based in Cornwall on the doorstep of the hospital where Samantha Cameron is currently recovering after the birth of her fourth child.
Matthew Owen, Cool Earth director, “Frank Field has protected an acre of rainforest in the name of Florence Cameron, which means it is secured from logging and other activities as a gift to mark this wonderful occasion. As the hospital where Samantha Cameron is recovering is on the doorstep of Cool Earth’s offices in Cornwall, I delivered the gift in person on behalf of Frank who sent his very best wishes.
 Matthew Owen continues...
 “David Cameron was one of the first political figures to support Cool Earth which was founded by Frank Field to cut CO2 emissions by protecting endangered rainforest. The acre of rainforest sponsored in the name of baby Cameron is amongst the most endangered forest in the world. So the new born is already doing something extraordinary for the environment.”

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